What's better than to begin a project with a fabulous photoshoot of your best friend? Absolutely nothing, in my opinion, and it's usually how most of my projects begin. However, this photoshoot wasn't as typical as past projects. My desire to produce serious, mature and powerful work led me to the conclusion that I needed to conduct a nude photoshoot. This isn't something I've done before, but as strange as it sounds it's something I'd definitely do again! I can't describe how lucky I am to have a friend not only beautiful and photogenic, but also confident enough to face the challenge of posing nude in front of the camera. Despite being advised otherwise, I knew that I wanted Bella to be completely nude, in other words, no bra or drapey fabric, which is what most student artists tend to use in sensitive photoshoots. I was determined that I would go against this simply because I want to be mature artist and I think it would be extremely hypocritical to ...