For anyone that's read my last post, it probably makes a little more sense why my Instagram page is filled with strange excerpts of dada poetry, wreckless scrawlings and light drawings. I know: poetry! Through a lot of research and experimentation, I've begun to refine my ideas into imagery that I like the look of. Honestly, I'm relieved. Conceptual art is extremely challenging to understand, never mind to actually produce. It's required me to quite literally do a Henry Krokatsis and lose all of my ego, and it's one of the most challenging things I've done! On the topic of conceptual art, I've been having a lot of debates recently about firstly what it is, what it means, and the importance of it. For anyone that doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about, you must watch BBC's Who'a Afraid of Conceptual Art, I found it on YouTube and I found it really useful in fully getting my head around understanding artworks, and also applying it in my o...